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sanila dictionary
- a: conjunction. if
- abi: modifier. new, novel
- ademo: noun. progress
- adero: noun. sheep
- adeža: noun. style, fashion, aesthetic
- adinu: verb. realize, become aware of
- adosa: noun. address, index, location identifier
- agobi: modifier. main, chief, principal, primary
- aješi: verb. remember, recall
- aka: preposition. relative to, with respect to, than
- akasu: noun. path, route
- ala: preposition. despite
- alaki: verb. relate to, be related to
- alese: noun. preposition, postposition, adposition
- aleve: modifier. private, secret
- alezi: verb. release
- amalu: verb. drop, cause to fall
- ametu: verb. push, press, shove
- amiva: verb. approve, verify, confirm, praise, support, agree with, concur, accept
- amo: preposition. like, similar to
- anako: noun. medicine, drug
- anapa: noun. pasta
- aneni: noun. family
- aneno: preposition. above, over
- ani: noun. food, fuel
- anoše: modifier. loud
- apaku: modifier. hard, firm
- apena: noun. hill
- apeta: noun. mountain
- areni: modifier. healthy
- arisi: verb. describe, explain, report
- asali: noun. parent, mother, father
- asinu: verb. cook (transitive)
- asoþi: noun. ingredient, component of a mixture
- asume: noun. example, sample
- asuna: modifier. smooth
- asusi: noun. mud
- atabe: modifier. stable, steady, difficult/unlikely to change/move
- atane: noun. road, street
- ateke: verb. hit, beat, strike, crash
- atele: noun. hair, fur
- atemo: noun. prize, reward, gift
- ati: verb. give, transfer, donate, contribute
- atile: modifier. okay, decent, acceptable, fine, right, correct
- ato: verb. retreive, load (data)
- atuvu: verb. dislike
- avedi: noun. morning
- avera: verb. give birth to
- aveše: verb. find, discover
- ačama: noun. partner, significant other, boyfriend, girlfriend
- ba: verb. be (may also precede an modifier or preposition)
- badoga: noun. baby
- badoči: noun. joke
- bakuru: verb. call, communicate something to get attention
- bana: verb. have the opinion that, think, suppose, believe
- bašoku: modifier. forceful
- bekaru: verb. shoot (ammunition), fire
- bekere: noun. bullet, ammunition
- bekoti: noun. gun, firearm
- bekudi: verb. explode, burst, pop
- bela: noun. light
- beno: modifier. simple, basic
- bi: preposition. to, toward
- bina: noun. bee
- bini: preposition. into
- binu: noun. ball, sphere
- bisowi: preposition. onto
- bitera: noun. identity
- biža: verb. try, attempt
- boroma: verb. boil, evaporate, cause to become a gas
- bosera: noun. gravity
- bosile: noun. video, movie
- bočeri: modifier. sneezing
- bunera: noun. company, business
- ca: modifier. expresses a decimal point within a number
- cagese: noun. particle (part of speech)
- cagu: noun. structure
- capire: noun. friend
- ceketo: noun. frame, tick, timestep, smallest indivisible unit of time
- ceku: noun. particle, smallest indivisible component
- ci: preposition. for, in order to
- co: preposition. according to, from the perspective of
- cunoro: noun. season
- da: modifier. one
- dagane: noun. god
- dakuli: noun. community, society
- dalufi: verb. buy, purchase
- danuka: noun. world
- darafo: verb. manage, deal with, handle
- darono: noun. oil
- datu: verb. wear (clothing)
- dašo: verb. listen to
- defi: noun. bump, lump, pile, mound, heap
- degu: verb. know
- dekanu: noun. sibling, brother, sister
- delasa: verb. sell
- delavo: noun. dress
- demeve: modifier. wet, damp
- dene: verb. inhabit, reside in, live (somewhere)
- denese: noun. window
- deni: verb. help, assist
- detapu: verb. learn, study, research
- devile: noun. river
- dezo: modifier. modifies an extent or quantity X to mean "less than X"
- di: modifier/noun. this
- diku: modifier. too much, excessive
- dikusu: noun. puzzle, challenge
- dimare: verb. laugh at
- dimele: verb. search for, look for, try to find
- disuna: noun. consonant
- ditoke: modifier. ugly
- ditosu: modifier. occasional, sometimes
- dituse: noun. problem, issue
- dizo: modifier. less, to less of an extent
- dičope: modifier. staying, remaining
- do: particle. question particle (see grammar)
- dosa: noun. building
- dosike: noun. tooth
- dosuva: verb. spread, disperse
- doti: modifier. soon
- dowa: verb. greet, welcome, hello, hi
- du: modifier/noun. what, which
- dusoma: noun. dream
- e: conjunction. and
- ebeno: modifier. amateur, inexperienced
- edaka: noun. wave
- edetu: noun. program, code, software, application
- edi: modifier. now, current
- edomi: modifier. ready, prepared
- edona: noun. fruit
- egaso: modifier. available, accessible
- eka: preposition. near, close to, by, around
- ekera: modifier. dangerous, unsafe, insecure
- ekisi: modifier. east
- eleka: noun. minute
- emara: modifier. efficient
- emeri: noun. house
- enesi: modifier. soft
- eneta: noun. rock, stone
- eni: modifier. happening, occurring
- enilo: noun. glass
- epi: modifier. left
- esanu: modifier. casual, informal
- esapi: noun. face (of a person or animal)
- esemi: modifier. safe, secure
- esi: verb. watch, look at
- etaru: verb. throw, toss
- etena: noun. hammer
- etidi: modifier. on, active, functioning
- eto: noun. time
- evedu: verb. cancel
- eveši: verb. prevent
- evi: preposition. before
- evoto: verb. send, submit, transmit
- ezinu: verb. fight, attack
- eča: modifier. the majority of, most, for the most part
- eše: modifier. not yet
- ežo: verb. perceive
- fa: modifier. group of three zeroes
- fasake: noun. wheel
- fasuli: noun. castle
- fehoþe: noun. purpose, point
- fetale: verb. read
- filoto: noun. organ (body part)
- fo: interjection. phew, sigh
- fura: noun. animal
- fuše: verb. identify, recognize, be familiar with
- gadona: noun. life (of an individual)
- gikemi: noun. bug
- gizene: modifier. random
- golašo: verb. freeze, cause to become a solid
- gotuso: modifier. flat
- gotuče: modifier. lying down
- gu: particle. divided by (division operator)
- guroče: verb. thank (for doing something)
- ha: interjection. ah (expression of acknowledgement, understanding)
- habi: modifier. awake
- hadi: modifier. alive, living
- hagudi: noun. burger
- hale: verb. touch, contact
- hamiva: noun. port, harbour
- haso: modifier. very, to a great extent
- hatasa: modifier. burping, belching
- hatese: noun. word
- he: modifier. zero
- hegu: modifier. old
- hejamo: modifier. diverse, varying, various
- hela: modifier. together
- heni: noun. unit (of measurement)
- heti: modifier. should, ought to
- hi: preposition. with, along with, accompanied by
- hinesa: modifier. comfortable, cozy
- hino: noun. sound
- hiši: modifier. gray
- ho: interjection. oh (expression of surprised acknowledgement)
- hotowa: preposition. across
- hova: preposition. without
- hu: interjection. well (filler interjection)
- huja: preposition. out, outside of
- huki: modifier. any, no particular one
- hunoba: modifier. sick, unhealthy, ill
- ibasa: verb. name, label
- igatu: verb. reach, access
- ika: particle. truth nominalizer, whether, if (see grammar)
- ikaþi: verb. amaze, impress, astound
- ike: modifier. yellow
- ila: preposition. far from, away
- ilama: verb. admit, confess
- imasa: noun. sentence
- imegi: modifier. first, initial, original
- imi: modifier. young, having existed for a short time
- imisi: modifier. sparkling, glimmering, shimmering
- ini: noun. manner, method, way
- inide: noun. line, edge, length, distance, range, span, interval
- inima: noun. area of a surface, region, zone
- initu: modifier. cute, adorable
- inoli: noun. bird
- inu: modifier. future tense, will
- inuso: noun. glasses, spectacles
- ipe: noun. shape, form
- irebu: verb. play
- irudi: verb. close, shut
- isaki: modifier. spicy
- isava: verb. excite, make eager
- iseni: noun. top, peak
- isepi: noun. beep, chirp
- isupa: modifier. sliding, gliding, slipping
- itene: noun. airplane, plane
- ito: verb. get, receive
- ivado: verb. lock
- ivaru: modifier. dancing
- ivoti: noun. key (for locking and unlocking)
- ivuna: verb. limit, contrain, restrict
- iþapi: verb. lie, say something false
- iþe: preposition. in front of, ahead of, beyond
- ičela: modifier. careful, cautious
- iši: modifier. different, other, another
- išoči: noun. opposite, inverse
- išune: verb. control, drive, rule
- jaca: verb. teach (something), instruct, educate
- jawa: modifier. wide, broad
- jaþe: modifier. green
- jaþike: modifier. chartreuse (color)
- je: particle. causative particle (see grammar)
- jekeču: verb. argue about, debate, dispute, protest
- jema: verb. cause, create, make, build
- ježoma: verb. simulate, emulate
- jogu: verb. destroy, delete, erase
- jome: modifier. trans, gender-non-conforming, non-binary
- jonudo: noun. gem, crystal, jewel
- josa: modifier. sweet
- jova: noun. state, status, mode, phase, stage
- jovebe: noun. version, edition, draft
- jovegi: noun. initial condition, default value
- juba: noun. quantity, amount, number
- juga: noun. quality, attribute, characteristic
- jugese: noun. modifier (part of speech)
- jugu: noun. category, kind, sort, type
- juvo: noun. container
- ka: particle. factual nominalizer (see grammar)
- kabera: verb. bounce, reflect
- kafe: verb. worry, cause to be anxious
- kaniru: noun. symbol, letter, digit, glyph
- karese: noun. verb
- kari: noun. action, activity
- kaseno: noun. smell, odor
- kaso: verb. ask, inquire
- kaše: noun. night
- kašifi: verb. surprise, be unexpected to
- ke: modifier/noun. that
- kebo: noun. group
- kebure: verb. melt, cause to become a liquid
- kedame: noun. corner, vertex, point
- keki: noun. day, when the sun is in the sky
- kelu: noun. event, occurence, incident
- kemuda: noun. voice, speech
- kere: noun. object, physical entity, item
- keveta: noun. table (furniture)
- ki: modifier. seven
- kibisu: verb. care about, have concern for, worry about, respect
- kibo: verb. feel, sense
- kido: noun. bottom, base
- kidumu: noun. math, mathematics
- kiki: noun. day, period of 24 hours
- kilutu: noun. page
- kipi: modifier. for a short time
- kiruni: noun. heart
- kisebe: noun. week
- kiteki: noun. click (sound), tick
- kivi: modifier. down, low
- kiši: modifier. sharp, pointy
- ko: particle. converts verb into object noun (see grammar)
- koča: verb. cut, slice
- kočoti: noun. knife
- konogu: verb. mean, signify, imply, indicate, represent
- koti: noun. tool, device
- kotina: noun. pig
- kovu: noun. bread
- ku: particle. starts a relative clause (see grammar)
- kuba: modifier. dead, die
- kuduku: verb. kill
- kuko: modifier. again
- kurupi: noun. brick
- kusare: modifier. funny, humorous
- kusu: modifier. fun, entertaining
- kuvi: modifier. some, a few, several
- la: noun. I, me
- lado: verb. contain, include, encompass
- lakani: noun. culture, ethnicity
- lamade: noun. blood
- lamana: modifier. beautiful, pretty
- lami: noun. liquid, fluid
- lamo: noun. goal, target
- lanuri: preposition. under, below, beneath
- lapi: verb. come to, go to, arrive
- lato: noun. tea
- laweþa: noun. weather, climate
- le: modifier. a previously not mentioned one
- lebiru: noun. cat
- lecabu: verb. inspire
- ledusu: verb. resume, continue
- lekiwi: verb. warn, alarm, alert
- lesute: noun. government
- letu: verb. like, enjoy
- levini: verb. grow (transitive), cause to become larger
- leþi: verb. interact with, interface with, engage with
- lečedu: noun. plan, intention, scheme, strategy
- leši: verb. do, act
- li: modifier. the previously mentioned one
- libi: modifier. small, little
- lidepo: verb. design
- liki: modifier. vertical
- likine: noun. flag
- lila: modifier. orange
- lilacu: noun. autumn, fall
- linaje: modifier. consistent
- lini: modifier. narrow
- liripu: noun. computer
- lisami: noun. vowel
- liso: verb. bring, carry, transport
- litu: modifier. least, to the least extent
- livaþe: modifier. cyan, teal, turquoise
- livi: modifier. blue
- lo: particle. verbal adjunct following sentence (see grammar)
- loda: preposition. while, during
- lokome: verb. record
- loma: noun. information, data, signal
- lomatu: noun. country, nation
- losidi: noun. toy
- losuwa: verb. spray (a substance), shower
- lu: modifier. six
- luboče: noun. body
- lugu: modifier. equal, same, identical
- luke: preposition. behind
- lukejo: verb. follow, pursue
- luki: modifier. hot, warm
- lukicu: noun. summer
- luto: noun. rectangle, square
- luwida: modifier. shining, glowing
- ma: modifier. true, yes
- magula: noun. knowledge
- mahi: modifier. vague, general, imprecise, some
- mako: verb. put, place, add
- makuča: noun. lettuce
- malena: modifier. natural
- marena: modifier. dedicated, devoted, committed
- maro: modifier. cold
- marocu: noun. winter
- masapi: verb. visit
- mase: modifier. walk, run
- masedi: modifier. temporary
- masi: noun. collection, set
- masiwa: noun. village, town, city
- mavo: modifier. viscous, thick
- maþiro: modifier. calm
- me: particle. relative pronoun (see grammar)
- mebe: modifier. unhappy, sad
- meta: modifier. many, a large quantity of, often
- mevača: noun. room, chamber
- mifali: noun. foot
- mileva: modifier. popular, famous, cool
- misi: modifier. brown
- miþe: modifier. white
- mičuna: noun. shirt
- mo: particle. converts verb/modifier into subject noun (see grammar)
- mogu: modifier. may, might, perhaps, maybe
- moguce: noun. beverage, drink
- monore: modifier. permanent
- mosaja: modifier. cool, nice, awesome
- mose: verb. become
- mosiku: modifier. blank, bare, bald
- movo. modifier. thick, deep, fat
- mošori. verb. shake, vibrate, rattle, oscillate
- musidi: verb. exercise, practice, train
- mušope: noun. magnet
- nada: preposition. after, since, beyond
- nadoma: preposition. instead of, in place of
- nafalu: noun. mail, letter
- nali: modifier. short
- nalitu: modifier. dry
- nanele: noun. member
- napasi: noun. resource, supply, nutrient
- naraþe: modifier. swimming
- nari: modifier. hypothetical, conditional, would
- naribi: modifier. native
- naru: modifier. sleeping
- nava: modifier. horizontal
- navanu: noun. side, neither the top nor the bottom
- navemo: noun. channel, thread
- neda: verb. let, allow
- neniho: noun. nose
- nesenu: modifier. personal, pertaining strongly to an individual person
- neta: modifier. exact, precise, certain
- neva: verb. change, alter
- nevetu: verb. adjust
- neþe: verb. focus on
- neþedu: verb. whisper
- nešo: verb. take, remove
- nešuku: verb. filter, purify
- ni: preposition. in, inside, at
- nifanu: noun. surface, side, face, skin
- nijeze: noun. friction
- nike: modifier. black
- nikumi: modifier. clear, transparent, obvious
- nilo: noun. extent, degree
- nilome: noun. phone, telephone
- ninevo: modifier. west
- ninure: noun. pattern, trend
- nipene: modifier. eventual
- nisalo: noun. music, song, tune
- nituzi: preposition. diagonal to
- nivi: verb. eat, drink, consume
- nišini: modifier. coughing
- no: particle. verbal adjunct preceding sentence (see grammar)
- nobute: modifier. dirty
- nocalo: modifier. desaturated, pale
- noco: modifier. dead
- nome: verb. suggest (something to occur), recommend, advise, direct, instruct, guide, lead
- nomota: noun. school
- notabi: modifier. special, original, unique
- novije: modifier. proud
- nubisi: verb. complain
- nuduka: noun. machine
- nukapa: noun. nut
- nupe: modifier. total, complete, entire
- nurili: noun. hospital
- nusulo: modifier. tired
- nuteka: noun. internet, web
- nuvuta: noun. furniture
- o: conjunction. or
- obera: noun. rubber
- oda: noun. person, human
- odehe: noun. hand
- ofe: modifier. converts cardinal number into ordinal number
- ogoni: verb. ignore, disregard, have no concern for
- oguna: noun. rule, regulation, law
- ojeti: preposition. below
- ojuči: noun. planet
- oka: noun. plant
- okacu: noun. spring (season)
- okana: noun. flower
- okawi: modifier. professional, expert, skilled, experienced
- okida: noun. vehicle
- okuna: verb. meet, encounter
- olade: modifier. bitter
- olavo: noun. coffee
- oliba: noun. book
- omefa: noun. poop, excrement, feces
- opase: noun. material, substance
- opi: modifier. right (direction)
- orana: noun. lip
- ore: verb. love, adore
- oru: modifier. past tense, was
- oseni: verb. predict, expect, infer, assume, estimate, judge, guess, suspect, presume, anticipate
- oseþi: verb. to converse with
- osu: verb. say, speak, talk
- osuko: noun. dog
- osule: noun. wind
- otaso: modifier. back, toward the original location
- otosi: noun. metal
- otube: verb. doubt
- oči: modifier. most, to the greatest extent
- ošene: noun. ice
- ošeta: modifier. important, valuable
- ože: noun. tree
- ožima: noun. forest
- pa: particle. plus (addition operator)
- pakate: noun. solid (state of matter)
- palu: modifier. barely, hardly at all
- pamuvi: noun. rain, snow, hail, precipitation
- pane: modifier. probably, likely
- pasini: noun. potato chip
- pasu: noun. bag
- pava: modifier. experiencing pain, hurting, aching
- pavoto: noun. potato
- peda: modifier. happy
- peli: noun. powder, dust
- pelo: noun. eye
- pemiso: verb. scare, frighten
- pesedi: noun. sand
- pi: modifier. five
- podumi: noun. pants
- polabi: noun. bean
- pože: noun. wood, lumber
- puco: modifier. still, not having changed, keep doing, continue, remain
- rade: modifier. red
- rageke: modifier. dark
- ragisu: noun. grass
- rakisa: modifier. useful, handy, convenient
- ralimu: noun. fat
- rasona: noun. year
- ražu: modifier. slow
- re: particle. minus (subtraction operator)
- redefi: modifier. bumpy, rough
- reke: modifier. sudden, abrupt
- relu: verb. have
- remeda: noun. sky
- repota: verb. translate, change the language of something
- reto: preposition. off of, not on the surface of
- revabi: verb. swallow
- reše: noun. fire, flame
- rešedu: noun. candle
- ri: particle. separates multiple modifiers describing the same word (see grammar)
- rigiza: noun. reptile, lizard
- rikona: noun. code, cipher
- rito: modifier. female
- rivi: modifier. purple
- ro: modifier. four
- robi: noun. hat
- roka: modifier. forward, towards the front
- roma: modifier. actual, real, existing
- rometo: noun. age, the amount of time for which something/someone has existed
- rosuvi: noun. document
- roču: verb. write
- ru: noun. you
- ruli: modifier. strong, fit, powerful, tough, sturdy, durable
- sa: preposition. from, away from
- saco: noun. salt
- sade: noun. taste, flavor
- sadele: verb. yell, scream, cry, shout
- sadete: preposition. parallel to, along
- sadike: noun. screen
- saheni: noun. point (unit of score)
- sahuba: noun. score, grade
- sane: modifier. uncommon, unusual, rare, infrequent
- saneza: modifier. strange
- saneze: noun. game, sport
- sani: noun. language
- sanila: noun. Sanila, the language
- sanu: verb. leave, depart, exit
- sapa: modifier. jumping
- sapo: verb. open
- sareni: verb. hide, conceal
- sata: noun. circle
- satamo: modifier. curved, round
- satena: noun. space, gap
- satu: modifier. easy
- satuba: noun. volume, amount of space
- savepe: verb. avoid, dodge
- se: particle. single word nominalizer (see grammar)
- seba: modifier. here
- sebe: verb. work on, perform labor
- seci: modifier. public
- seli: verb. start
- selo: verb. enter, go in
- semo: modifier. good
- sena: verb. valedict, say goodbye
- senido: verb. breathe, inhale
- senumo: modifier. logical
- sera: verb. think about, compute, process, calculate, imagine
- serahi: verb. have sex with
- seri: noun. beginning, start, first part
- si: modifier. nine
- sidoči: verb. annoy, irritate
- sikite: modifier. high pitched
- sineki: preposition. perpendicular to
- sini: modifier. almost, nearly
- sinide: noun. border, outline, frame
- sipu: noun. land, ground
- sise: verb. finish, complete, conclude
- sisera: noun. urine, pee
- sitanu: verb. interest, fascinate
- sitawi: verb. addict
- sivi. modifier. thin
- siwa: verb. choose, decide, pick, vote for
- siwasa: noun. menu, a list of options
- so: particle. abstract nominalizer (see grammar)
- soka: verb. communicate, state, claim, tell, express, inform, discuss
- sonege: noun. tongue
- sopenu: noun. plastic
- soreta: noun. question
- sowi: preposition. on (the surface of)
- sožu: modifier. male
- su: noun. he, she, it
- sude: modifier. as, to a certain extent, so
- sudu: noun. child, kid, teen
- sugo: noun. adult
- sulado: verb. unlock
- suli: modifier. free
- suna: modifier. there, over there
- sunate: noun. story, tale, rumor, plot, history
- sune: noun. gas (state of matter)
- suneda: noun. cloud
- sunu: noun. air, atmosphere
- supo: noun. child, offspring
- supura: noun. weapon
- suro: noun. seed
- sutu: modifier. empty
- ta: modifier. eight
- tada: modifier. then, at that time
- tado: noun. part, piece, component
- takito: noun. text, script
- tami: modifier. next, following
- tana: modifier. seemingly
- tape: noun. milk
- tapo: noun. head
- tara: noun. concept, idea, subject, topic
- tasa: noun. list, series, sequence, queue
- tasari: noun. log, journal, a chronological record of occurences
- taso: preposition. surrounding, around, enclosing
- tasu: noun. context, environment, circumstance, setting, surroundings, condition
- tate: noun. end, last part
- tawide: noun. dirt, soil
- te: particle. imperative particle (see grammar)
- tebara: verb. trust
- teduri: noun. wall
- tehira: verb. answer, respond
- tekanu: noun. keyboard
- teko: modifier. few, not many
- tekure: noun. button (input device), key
- telofa: modifier. appropriate, suitable
- telube: verb. bore, be uninteresting to
- temono: noun. tower
- tenole: noun. horse, pony
- tevo: modifier. recent, just
- ti: modifier. plural
- timisu: modifier. saturated, vibrant
- tini: modifier. weak
- tire: modifier. a little, not much
- tisasu: noun. toilet
- tiši: noun. star, sun
- tiža: noun. money, currency
- to: preposition. of, pertaining to, about
- todona: verb. organize, order, sort, arrange
- togeri: noun. map
- tolava: noun. month
- tomare: verb. keep, store, preserve, retain, save
- tome: preposition. to the left of
- tomisi: noun. second (time)
- topana: noun. paper
- toþenu: verb. show, draw attention to, demonstrate, display, indicate, expose, present, reveal
- toþoti: noun. computer mouse
- toša: verb. hear
- tu: modifier. two
- tuda: conjunction. so, as a result, therefore
- tudu: modifier. for a long time, having a long duration
- tufi: modifier. long
- tuhati: noun. job, occupation
- tuke: verb. want
- tuli: modifier. only, just, alone
- tuso: modifier. previous
- tuvi: modifier. tall
- ubali: noun. mistake, error, accident
- ubiti: verb. announce, declare, advertise
- udara: noun. grandparent, grandmother, grandfather
- udi: conjunction. but, however
- ukana: noun. torso, trunk
- uku: verb. lose possession of
- ulaku: noun. armour, suit
- ulapu: noun. clothing, clothes
- ule: modifier. more, to a greater extent
- uledi: verb. pause, interrupt
- ulege: modifier. bright
- ulema: noun. shoe
- uleve: verb. copy, duplicate, repeat
- uleši: verb. stop, end
- uli: preposition. unlike
- ulo: modifier. modifies an extent or quantity X to mean "more than X"
- uluta: modifier. off, inactive
- umepa: noun. hour
- umiwa: noun. butter
- unota: verb. understand, comprehend
- unutu: modifier. lazy, not feeling like doing something
- upuvi: verb. damage, harm, hurt
- ura: verb. use, utilize
- ureku: noun. net, mesh, network, web
- uresi: noun. cotton
- uride: noun. grid, table
- usedi: noun. lake, sea, ocean, pond
- usimi: verb. bond to, stick to
- usimo: verb. fail at, lose, not work, break
- usuku: verb. disconnect from, separate from
- utada: modifier. formal, fancy
- utare: verb. connect to, join, attach, tie, mechanically link to
- utese: noun. conjunction (part of speech)
- utina: verb. obey
- utu: noun. water
- uvaka: noun. boot
- uvawe: noun. system
- uvegu: noun. science
- uza: verb. see
- uzopi: verb. defend, protect, guard, preserve, conserve, reserve
- uzuni: modifier. unacceptable, incorrect, wrong
- učatu: verb. trap, capture
- va: modifier. false, not, no
- vadi: noun. moon
- vajase: modifier. boring
- valaso: modifier. flying
- vanu: modifier. how much, how, to what degree, interrogative extent
- vanuse: noun. car, automobile
- ve: particle. precedes a verb to reverse the roles of its subject and direct object (see grammar)
- veduču: noun. chocolate
- velami: noun. galaxy, nebula
- velodi: noun. bowl
- vemuha: modifier. reversed, in reverse, backwards
- venu: modifier. big, large
- vešuba: verb. measure
- vetinu: verb. burn (transitive)
- veto: modifier. full
- vetuni: modifier. north
- veþi: preposition. between, among, within
- vi: preposition. by means of, using, with, having a manner pertaining to
- viba: noun. color
- vibeda: noun. rainbow
- viga: modifier. complicated, complex
- vikusu: noun. ear
- vili: verb. fix, repair, heal, solve
- vini: modifier. up, high
- viče: modifier. standing, standing up
- viči: modifier. late
- voda: modifier. backward, towards the back
- vodere: verb. collect, gather
- votane: noun. boat
- vuku: modifier. bad
- vulinu: modifier. sitting
- vuloti: noun. chair, seat
- vuniti: modifier. guilty, shameful, sorry
- vuruso: modifier. clean
- vuþula: noun. enemy
- vušana: verb. forget
- wali: noun. rotation, orientation, direction, angle
- waþe: modifier. straight, direct
- wače: modifier. disgusting, gross
- wecale: noun. fungus
- wenere: noun. home
- wenulu: noun. plain, field
- wera: modifier. sure, confident, certain
- wezaru: noun. universe
- wiro: verb. spin, rotate, twist
- witela: verb. sing
- wočelo: verb. hate
- zabu: noun. energy, power
- zado: noun. door
- zakaru: noun. electricity
- zanevi: noun. reason, cause
- zano: modifier. even, emphasizing something surprising or extreme
- zanuvu: noun. pipe, tube
- zaramo: modifier. creative
- zari: noun. art
- ze: particle. optionally marks end of nominalized phrase (see grammar)
- zegara: noun. grammar, syntax
- zeke: preposition. except for, not including
- zenibe: noun. image, picture
- zeti: modifier. every, all
- zetopa: verb. bear, endure, suffer through
- zeču: verb. draw, illustrate
- zinala: noun. middle, center
- zinime: noun. cheese
- zivare: modifier. silly, crazy
- zode: verb. need, require, must
- zodosa: noun. installment, episode, entry, an element of a chronological series
- zubera: noun. buzz, hum, hiss
- zuri: preposition. through
- zuvane: modifier. angry, mad
- zuvo: noun. speed, rate, pace
- þari: modifier. sentient, conscious
- þaso: modifier. fast, quick, rapid
- þasugo: noun. block, prism
- þe: noun. thing
- þefeba: modifier. inappropriate
- þegi: conjunction. because
- þetaje: verb. lose, not know where something is
- þetese: noun. noun
- þi: modifier. three
- þolu: modifier. common, usual, normal
- þori: conjunction. when, at the same time as
- þota: modifier. possible, can
- þupi: noun. name, title
- þuča: modifier. early
- čame: noun. position, location, place
- čedejo: modifier. south
- čeke: modifier. already
- čete: modifier. also, too
- či: noun. self, refers to the subject of the clause
- čikope: verb. split, divide, tear, rip, break, crack, snap
- čiladu: noun. apple
- čipedi: modifier. enough, sufficient
- čivili: modifier. clever, smart
- čo: particle. to the power of (exponentiation operator)
- čunare: modifier. artificial
- ša: particle. times (multiplication operator)
- šabido: verb. win, succeed, defeat, beat, dominate, work
- šabiči: modifier. automatic, not requiring external intervention
- šaboda: modifier. manual, requiring external intervention
- šapi: noun. origin, source
- šere: modifier. quiet
- ševaso: noun. leaf
- ši: noun. each other, one another, reciprocal pronoun
- šigini: verb. raise, lift, move up
- šigivi: verb. lower, move down
- šigo: verb. move (transitive), cause to go
- šilo: noun. fish
- šiluma: noun. syllable
- šopa: noun. hole, cavity
- šote: verb. demand, request, command, ask for, order
- šova: modifier. last, final
- šudi: verb. wait for
- žami: preposition. until
- žanafo: preposition. made of, composed of, comprised of
- žedu: verb. hold, grab
- žegomi: noun. brain, mind
- žeme: modifier. fake
- ži: preposition. against
- žila: noun. emotion, mood
- žilese: noun. interjection (part of speech)
- žini: preposition. to the right of
- žoto: modifier. difficult, hard
- žu: particle. times ten to the power of (scientific notation operator)
- žukara: verb. disorganize, mix, stir, scramble
- žurisa: modifier. sour
- žuto: noun. level, layer, shelf