vötgil reforms
this is a set of reforms to the Vötgil language that citrons and i have adopted.
- there is no longer capitalization applied to the first letter of each word
- spaces are employed. generally, spaces do not separate modifiers from the words they describe, noun groupings, or suffixes, but they separate everything else.
- the word 'wot' replaces quote marks used for situation nouns. it may be ommitted in many circumstances where it is easily implied from context, such as: at the end of a sentence, after 'wis' or 'wim', etc.
- Neb (D): nonbinary, gender-non-conforming
below is the Babel text in vötgil, as it might be written under these reforms.
vat ðistem, ðyttotwol wuzhav wunleq van sumkenseyniqset. vötbyf wot prssis wuzyosgof, ðytprssis wuzfid sumflölan cin Shinar van ste cin ðatplw. ðytprssis wuzsey twrsef: "plytrggof. nuyzis plymek boksis van köz wot ðytboksis bym verwom". ðytprssis wuzywz sekboksis ned rök, van sölyol ned wis san stw. ðytprssis wuznessey" "plytrggof. nuyzis plymek forsef sumtan wix wis sumcuplöqbil ryc ðytskylan, for wot nuyzis kan mek sumnem for sef; cin difwey, nuyzis wilviz sprdid rov ðytfes vun ðyttotrox."
but ðytskykucrer wuzvötcupgof for wot syc wim ðytprssis wuzmek tan van cuplöqbil. ðytskykucrer wuzsey: "cif wis trgðytprssis sey cin ðytvötdifleq wuzbeg dwnðis, cöl wim ðytprssis plö wot dwnxiqzis wot wil viz kwd. plytrggof. nuyzis plyvötcupgof van vötrog ðytprssisleq for wot ðytprssis wilnötdan sef". ðytskykucrer wuzspr ðytprssis vöttwr ðatplw rov ðyttotrox, van ðytprssis wuzvötbeg wot mek ðyttan. for ðatprp ðyttan hav ðytnem Babel - byk cinðatplw ðytskykucrer wuzvötrog ðytleq vun ðyttotwol.